The Research Team from the Faculty of Literature and Education (FSIP) at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) conducted a visit to the Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
The Research Team comprised: Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Akhyar Rido, Ph.D. Dean of FSIP, Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, M.Hum. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Berlinda Mandasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.
The visit aimed to enhance insights and knowledge about the educational system in Utrecht, supported by a clean, safe, comfortable, and orderly environment, as well as technology-based approaches. During this opportunity, we were guided by postgraduate students from Utrecht University for a Campus Tour. Subsequently, they will proceed to Lisbon, Portugal, to present research findings at The 19th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, from November 8 to 11, 2022. Best regards, The Champion