Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

The Technocrat Education Institute, which has been appointed as a pilot model for the national level Double System Education Program (link and match), was established on 19 February 1986 using the name “Technocrat Course and Guidance” with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Depdiknas) of Lampung Province. This institution was founded by Nasrullah Yusuf with a capital of a used Bajaj motorcycle which was sold for IDR 1,600,000. At the beginning of its establishment, it only used one building that was rented for Rp. 1,000,000 per year, with equipment designed by themselves, namely two chalkboards, 50 wooden chairs, one administrative desk, and a manual typewriter.

The programs held at the beginning of its establishment were still limited to courses in English, Accounting, Tutoring, and Manual Typing. The learning community when it was first opened in March 1986 consisted of 32 residents learning English (2 classes), 22 residents studying Accounting, and 8 residents learning manual typing. In May 1986 Tutoring began with 3 participants. There were only two teaching staff at that time, namely Nasrullah Yusuf himself who taught English, Accounting, Typing, Tutoring and concurrently administration, and Mrs. Hernaini Nasrul teaches English and Manual Typing.

A. Visi Program Studi
“Menjadi program pendidikan bahasa Inggris yang unggul di bidang English for Professional Purposes didukung dengan penerapan teknologi di bidang pengajaran.“

B. Misi Program Studi

  1. Menyelenggarakan program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang berkualitas melalui kurikulum yang berorientasi pada pendidikan karakter, penguasaan IPTEK dan keterampilan berwirausaha.
  2. Mengembangkan penelitian di bidang pengajaran dan ilmu Bahasa Inggris dan mempublikasikannya di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
  3. Melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris.
  4. Menyelenggarakan kerjasama di bidang pengajaran dan ilmu Bahasa Inggris dengan berbagai pihak dalam skala lokal, nasional dan internasional.

Kurikulum 2021

Terbitnya Perpres No. 08 tahun 2012 dan UU PT No. 12 Tahun 2012 Pasal 29 ayat (1), (2), dan (3) tentang Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam mengembangkan kurikulum di program studi S1 Teknik Elektro yang dikembangkan mengacu pada capaian pembelajaran (learning outcomes).

Capaian Pembelajaran (learning outcomes) merupakan internalisasi dan akumulasi ilmu pengetahuan, ketrampilan, sikap, dan kompetensi yang dicapai melalui proses pendidikan yang terstruktur dan mencakup suatu bidang ilmu/keahlian atau melalui pengalaman kerja. Capaian pembelajaran lulusan S1 Teknik Elektro diturunkan dari profil lulusan dengan meninjau tiga unsur yaitu:

Unsur pertama: nilai-nilai yang dicanangkan UTI (University Value) mengacu pada prinsip penyelenggaraan pendidikan dari Yayasan Pendidikan Teknokrat yang tersirat pada slogan menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang “Disiplin, Bermutu, Kreatif dan Inovatif”.

Unsur kedua: telaah keilmuan dan keahlian (Scientific Vision) program studi didasarkan pada visi keilmuan ke depan yang bermuara pada azas manfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Telaah keilmuan dan keahlian dilakukan dengan mengacu pada praktik terbaik (best practice) internasional yang disusun dan dikeluarkan oleh ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) dan IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Hasilnya, Scientific Vision program studi S1 Teknik Elektro
UTI memiliki Knowledge Area meliputi communications, control systems, digital signal processing, electromagnetics, digital & analog electronic circuits, biomedical, computer and power systems.

Unsur ketiga: Peninjauan kebutuhan masyarakat pemangku kepentingan (Market Signals) ditujukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebutuhan masyarakat, industri, dan pemangku kepentingan terhadap lulusan Program Studi S1 Teknik Elektro.

Berikut pemetaan matakuliah pada kurikulum S1 Teknik Elektro dalam tiap semester:

Daftar Mata Kuliah:

Program Educational Objectives

The principal engineering values are officially expressed as Program Educational Objectives (PEOs). These principal values are formulated in accordance with the visions and missions of the university, the faculty of engineering and the electrical engineering study program. The formulation of these principal values generally takes the advice of the user, advisory board, alumni, and professional associations into account. The PEOs are composed of the following important keywords:

  1. Competence
  2. Leadership and work ethic
  3. Professionalism
  4. Communication and lifelong learning

The PEOs, which are formulated according to all visions and missions from the university level to the study program level, must become the living manifestation of all graduates and alumni. Based on the aforementioned four important keywords, we formulate our PEO as follows.

We expect our graduates to:

PEO1 (character): Having a good spirit of leadership, high standard ethics, and lifelong learning to maintain excellence in innovation.

PEO2 (career): Be successful in a technical or professional career characterized by having integrity in the aspect of electrical engineering competency or related field by fulfilling professionalism, effective communication, and universal value of humanity.

Student Outcomes

By considering the mission statement of the university, faculty, and department as well as suggestions from stakeholders, advisory board, and  accreditation institutions both local and international (in this case Washington Accord), the electrical engineering study program determines eleven student outcomes (SO) that are aligned with graduate attributes defined by ABET. The outcomes of the electrical engineering study program are stated as follows.

KP.1: Engineering Knowledge. Ability to apply natural science, mathematics, and engineering fundamental theory and other relevant fields to solve complex engineering problems

KP.2: Problem Analysis.  Ability to analyze and employs the existing approaches, resources, and appropriate equipment to solve complex engineering problems and their activities. 

KP.3: Design/Development of Solutions. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

KP.4: Data and ExperimentsSO(d). Ability to design and conduct experiments to investigate the complex engineering problem as well as to analyze and interpret data.

SK.1: Modern Equipment UsageSO(e). Capabilities to create, select, and implement engineering, resource, and modern engineering device and information technology for complex engineering problem 

SK.2: Knowledge of Contemporary Issues. Ability to think logically to evaluate health, social, safety, legal, and cultural issues to the recent knowledge and science, and be responsible in performing engineering activities and solutions to complex engineering problem.

SK.3: Effective communication. Ability to communicate effectively and confidently in performing complex engineering activities.

SK.4: Individual and Teamwork. Ability to have a role effectively as individual and team to achieve common goals in a multidisciplinary environment.

BH.1: Ethics and Responsibility. The ability to apply ethical values and committed to the norms, responsibilities, and ethics of engineering profession. In the context of the Indonesian society, the values and norms that are considered and accepted in engineering other than universal common humanitarian norms should also include the principles of Pancasila, local cultural values, and national interests.

BH.2: Environment and Sustainability. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

BH.3: Continuous Learning.  Ability to realize the importance of lifelong learning and ability to carry it out
To achieve the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), the Student Outcomes (SOs) had been designed carefully to support the PEO. Therefore, when the target for the SOs is accomplished, it is sufficient to say that the PEO will have high probability to be accomplished within 5 years after graduation.

Profil Lulusan Program Studi Teknik Elektro


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